
 * @author Jeff a.k.a. (topdown / phpbbxpert) 
 * @package Valid Webs Mobile Sample - style.css 
 * @version $Id: style.css 10 2010-08-11 01:57:02Z topdown $ 
 * Created Aug 10, 2010, 6:12:07 PM 
 * @copyright (c) 2009-10 
 * @license GNU Public License 
html, body { 
    width:              100%; 
= Typography 
body { 
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    font-size:          14px; /* Control the entire typographic font list here */ 
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h1 { 
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h2 { 
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h3 { 
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h4 { 
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h5 { 
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h6 { 
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p { 
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ul { 
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blockquote { 
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 = Start the page layout 
#page { 
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#header { 
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#nav { 
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#nav ul { 
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#nav li { 
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#nav a { 
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#nav a:hover { 
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#nav a.current { 
    background:             #333; 
#content { 
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    height:                 400px; 
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#footer { 
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#footer a { 
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#footer a:hover { 
    color:                  #00FFFF; 
    text-decoration:        underline; 